Environment and Emergencies Training (EET)

We are pleased share an invitation and call for expressions of interest from members of the Cook Islands Chamber of Commerce. 

 The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Unted Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) are in the process of identifying participants for the Environment and Emergencies Training (EET), scheduled to take place in Nadi, Fiji, from 24 – 29 November 2024. This year they have extended the invitation to the business members of the Chamber of Commerce. 

The deadline is Tuesday 22, October 2024. We apologise for the short notice, but encourage interested applicants to register their interest immediately. 

 Please note that the cost for participant’s roundtrip (airfare) and daily subsistence allowance (per diem) sufficient to cover the costs of meals and accommodation in Fiji will be covered OCHA/UNEP.

 The EET is a week-long immersive and scenario-based training which aims to build emergency response capacity of environmental experts and disaster managers by providing comprehensive training on humanitarian response mechanisms with a focus on addressing environmental impacts during emergencies.

Training is particularly focused on professionals in the environment management space, who have a long-term interest to build on emergency response, including, but not limited to:

> General environmental management

> Environmental emergency preparedness and response

> Oil pollution (marine or terrestrial)

> Chemical contamination and hazardous materials

> Dam stability

> Water resources management / water contamination

> Geo-hazards

> Wildfires

> Disaster waste management

Please email chamber@commerce.co.ck to register your interest